Can you help dog owners?

This is a skill that has taken me many years to get nearly right, I say nearly right as thee is always learning and room for improvement but it is helping people solve the problems with their dogs that people think they need when in reality it is help with their own behaviour that people actually and really need.

People are all different, dogs are all the same, actually people are all the same, patterns of human behaviour are the same, peoples reaction to dogs behaviour is the same, peoples behaviour towards puppies is the same so why are people trying to train the dog?

My work is all about teaching owners how their dog needs them to behave so their dog can behave in the way they want it to.

I have changed so much about my training over the past 10 years, it is scary to look back at how I used to do things and how much better my communication skills are.

Helping people understand just how their dog is tuned into their behaviour can be a challenge because some people will put their wants far ahead of the dogs needs and won’t want to change and I do work, not for long, with people like that.

You cannot get change without changing yourself first, your mindset, your approach, your attitude, your openness and flexibility. I love helping people and am now looking at how my helping dog owners can also help business owners because there are many similarities in the areas that can be helped.

I spent a lot of time in sales roles before I saw the light of self employment and I have a lot of experience of dealing with people, I can now bring this to a wider audience because the following principles apply accountability, repetition until permanent, willing to learn, it applies to everyone and I have had some very interesting conversations with business owners.


Why do dog owners over stimulate their dog?


Anxiety, can it be helped?